Monday, March 10, 2008


So this past week I got the honor of doing our bible study for the guys at work. Monday's are always our day to sit down, pray, talk about the week, have some good laughs, and do other guy stuff (whatever that means, you decide). Anyway, this week our study was on humility. In doing some research, I came across the story of David. Now, if you have seen the movie 300, this is what I picture David as being. The war parts, not the "other" parts. Although, Bathsheba might say differently. Seriously, I'll try to stay on track here. His story is well known. He fought Goliath as a young boy. He was the leader of Saul's army. He became King. So on so forth. The guy was a man's man. Enter...Humility. 2 Samuel 7:18 is the beginning of David's prayer to God. He begins by saying, "Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?" Who am I? That question keeps ringing in my head. I heard a sermon a long time ago that has stuck with me. It had to have been more than 10 years ago but I remember it like it was yesterday. The sermon was title "Who do you think you are?" Plain and simple. Bottom line was this: We blame God for all of these bad things that happen, yet it was our sin that caused all of this. Who do we think we are to blame God? So, back to David. There he is, King of Israel, on top of everything, and he's basically saying "I'm nothing." He didn't feel worthy of being brought so far by God. You have to understand, each time he went in to battle he asked God what he should do. Again, humility. Instead of relying on his own abilities, his own knowledge, he chose to acknowledge that God knew all. God would direct his path. Each time, he was the victor in the end. God did not fail him. How many times do we go to God before we step in to something? You might say, "Well, he was going in to war. Of course he was praying." Are you seriously going to use that excuse? Every day is war. At least in my life. There are so many things during the day that could go wrong. Add kids, a mortgage, and more bills, and I can see how people think that giving up is the easy thing to do. We find it so hard to humble ourselves to the point of saying "I can't do this on my own." We want to fight that. It's not in our nature to admit we can't do something. Yet, in one way or another, He helps us realize that we're not capable without his help. Sometimes a little more forcefully than others. Ask me about my story sometime and I'll share with you a "God, hands on style" story. Bottom line is this. David was God's servant. He killed other men in battle. He led an army to victory time and time again. He killed Goliath. Yet here he was, saying he was not worthy to have been brought so far. How worthy am I? How worthy are you? In all honesty? Not at all. Yet He loves us. I'll end by saying two things. Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." A lot of people think that verse is played out. I don't. I like it. Don't knock it. And, to follow up that verse, that "Him" that is being talked about is the man who humbled himself to come to this earth to die for me. You want to talk about the ultimate as far as humility and sacrifice? Jesus Christ was and is my living savior. David knew that. We shouldn't forget it.

1 Samuel 15 is a good place to start reading the story of David as well as all of 2 Samuel.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Great post!! Can you do a daily devotional for me?!?!