Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lost and Found

I like finding old stuff that I've written. It helps me remember my thought process through some things. It helps me remember that even though things were hard, I still trusted.

I didn't plan for things to happen this way
but unfolding, each day took me further from you
I could see your eyes and even from a distance
the sadness was more than I could hope to bear
and even when your father had to look away from you
with the whole world raining down on top of you
I chose silence
a downward stare in the face of adversity
But through it all your love reigned supreme
and in three words you wrapped me in eternity
Despite my failures, I continue to find victory
in ways that I can't even begin to understand
I leave who I was behind, and looking forward I know this:
It is finished.

It's short, but I think I was hoping to move on from what I'll talk about in my third posting tomorrow. I leave you with the words of Amazing Grace: I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now, I see.

1 comment:

ScottyU said...

Hey I was here....