Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Long Day

Well, it turns out Monday was not a gym day. I actually went to Chuch Watson's Realife small group. Chuck was my Breakaway (now they are called Realife groups) leader in high school and he asked me to come and talk to his guys about the group I was in and also give my testimony. I was really really excited at the opportunity to talk so guys who are entering that time in their life where I started making some poor choices. I wanted to let them know that it's o.k. to be open with other guys because they are the ones who keep you accountable. I wasn't very good at that in high school and payed for it dearly. Now in my case, God game me an awesome job and guys who on a daily basis lift me up. Despite all my shortcomings in life, God has blessed me with so many awesome things. I wanted these guys to know that my story was not "cool" or "awesome" because that wasn't the point. The point is I made some very very large mistakes and God STILL used me. To this day it's hard to understand, but it's not really up to me to understand. All I need to know is God loves me despite my imperfections. Really hard to grasp some days, but it's true. Anyway, the guys responded well and had alot of questions afterwards. It felt really good to bond with a couple of them and I look forward to future meetings. So, the gym. I went on Tuesday with my gym partner/motivator (Jen, the marathoner). I ran 3 miles in under 32 minutes, so I was pretty happy with that. Not the best, but I'm getting there. Today, I was looking more for a cardio workout, so I went 4.5 miles in 50 minutes. Slow but steady. I was trying to keep my heartrate around 135. On top of all that I had my first class tonight for Pre-Cal. My prof. is about 70 years old and he was on the team that designed and built 295 that runs from Trenton to the Delaware Memorial Bridge. He seems like a pretty awesome guy so I'm looking forward to this one. Tomorrow night is surverying. We'll see how that one goes. I'm beat and I've got work tomorrow so that about concludes things. Hope everyone is doing well.

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